Diode Laser Hair Removal

Diode Laser Hair Removal
A diode laser is the latest breakthrough technology in laser hair removal systems. It uses a light beam with a narrow focus to target specific areas in the skin. Diode lasers offer the deepest penetration levels giving the most effective results post treatment.
What is Diode Laser Hair Removal?
How does the Procedure work?
- Laser hair removal works on the principle called ‘selective photothermolysis’.
- This means that the therapist matches the specific wavelengths of light and pulse duration to that of the treatment tissue to obtain the maximal effect.
- Melanin is the colour pigment present in skin and hair that absorbs this radiation, acting as the target matter.
- The melanin in the hair follicles absorbs the intense heat of the laser.
- This damages the hair follicle, hence inhibiting future hair growth.
That is why the treatment works best on those with light skin (low melanin) and dark hair (higher melanin) as the melanin in the hair draws the radiation away from the skin.
- Different lasers are effective for different hair and skin types.
Diode laser
Amongst the different lasers available, the diode laser has stood the test of time. There are many reasons for this, such as:
- Diode laser projects light within the visible to the infrared range (~810 nm) in order to target specific pigment cells.
- It works on both light and dark skin. However, it is more effective for darker, terminal hair than lighter, finer hair.
- Compared to other lasers, its wavelength offers the deepest penetration and superior melanin absorption.
These unique characteristics make the diode laser the most suitable technology for laser hair reduction, allowing safe and effective treatment of all skin and hair types, for all body areas.
Speed and Efficacy
- Diode laser hair removal is so popular because of its speed and efficacy.
- A single session rarely takes as long as an hour anymore. In fact, it is an office-hour procedure, which means that is quick & ensures a speedy recovery.
- This procedure has been proven to achieve ‘permanent hair reduction in 90% of the cases.
- It ensures a stable reduction, in hair regrowth after a treatment regime.
Hair Removal Procedure
- Your therapist will discuss with you your medical history, the risks and benefits of treatment, and your expectations from it beforehand.
- Shaving 2 days prior to a laser hair removal treatment session is recommended.
- Stay away from the sun, tanning beds, spray tans, tanning lotion, and chlorine water for at least a month before the treatment.
- You can’t receive the treatment if you are facing a sunburn or even a sun tan, in order to avoid side effects like hyperpigmentation.
- Don’t use scrubs, glycolic acid, and retinol creams for 2 days before treatment, and chemical peels since 2 weeks prior.
- Start using face mists and additional moisturizers if you find your skin getting more dry.
- On the day of the procedure, your therapist will explain the procedure to you step-by-step and address all your concerns.
- Thereafter, he will take your consent for the procedure, and only then will it begin.
The Procedure
- Test patch: Pigment problems, discoloration, and scarring can occur in some skin types with cosmetic laser treatments; that’s why it’s important to conduct a small test patch first to make sure that your skin is accepting of the treatment.
- Eye protection: Your therapist will always provide you with eye protection to avoid the effects of radiation around the eyes.
- Settings: The settings of the diode laser are adjusted to both your skin and hair colour, so that the wavelength of the light emitted from the laser beam matches that of the pigment in you hair.
- Some swelling or blistering is common. Therefore, you can use an ice pack to help relieve it. It usually subsides within 2-3 days.
- Use sunscreen (SPF 30) religiously post-treatment to prevent hyperpigmentation.
- Do not wax or pluck your hair even after the treatment, because pulling out hair follicles after laser hair removal hinders the process. However, you can shave the area if you want.
- Avoid perfumes and deodorants for 24-48 hours after treatment.
- The heat from the laser stays in your skin for a day, so don’t go to the gym or saunas in order to avoid creating a warm environment for the bacteria to breed in and give you spots.
- Opt for lukewarm showers instead of hot showers in the first week after treatment.
- Don’t use scrubs, glycolic acid, and retinol creams even after treatment for 2 days, and chemical peels for 2 weeks.
- Lastly, your doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory medication to relieve pain and swelling, and antibiotics to prevent infection.
treatment frequency
Usually, we recommend a course of 6-12 treatments, to take place every 4-6 weeks for the best in results.
When will I see results?
- While you will discover smooth, hairless skin after the first treatment itself, you shall need multiple such treatments for the effects to become permanent.
- Moreover, while the hair may grow back as before after the first session, you will begin to notice a dramatic drop in the growth of your unwanted hair follicles after the three-month mark and notice even more differences after that.
- Similarly, you will see fewer and fewer hair returns after progressive treatments, so finishing the entire series of treatment sessions is crucial to attaining the highest degree of permanent hair reduction.
Why does one require multiple sessions?
- A series of treatment sessions are necessary to ensure permanent hair reduction.
- This is because hair grows in four stages: anagen (growing stage), telogen (transitional), and catagen (resting stage).
- Like all lasers, a diode laser can act only on the hair that is in the anagen stage because this is when the hair contains abundant melanin, which is essential to absorb the radiation from the laser that can disable the follicle.
- So a series of treatments is crucial to attack each of the hair follicles present in the treatment area during their growing stage.

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