


Whether you have fine lines, under-eye wrinkles, or other skin issues, you might look for ways to improve your appearance and get nearly flawless skin.

Several dermatological techniques can rejuvenate your skin. But if you’re looking for a minimally invasive technique, you might be the right candidate for mesobotox, also called microbotox.

Here’s what you need to know about mesobotox, including how it differs from regular Botox injections, and what you can expect before, during, and after treatment.

What is mesobotox?

Mesobotox is a cosmetic procedure that can reduce fine lines and wrinkles, resulting in smoother, younger-looking skin. The technique can also reduce pore size and oil production and decrease facial sweating.

This procedure is similar to Botox in that you’ll receive botulinum toxin injections in your skin. Mesobotox, however, uses a microneedle and a small amount of diluted Botox. The Botox is injected in a wider distribution throughout your face, usually in the T zone.

With traditional Botox treatments, doctors inject Botox into the muscle layer. But mesobotox isn’t injected into the muscle. Rather, it’s injected into a deeper level of the skin, or dermis, resulting in:

  • immediate facial smoothness
  • smaller pores
  • reduced sweating

Similar to traditional Botox, mesobotox treatments aren’t permanent. Your skin will gradually return to normal after 3 to 6 months, at which point you’ll need to repeat treatments if desired.

Who’s a good candidate for mesobotox?

Before having this procedure, your doctor will review your medical history to determine whether you’re a good candidate.

If you’ve had regular Botox with no complications, you’re not likely to have an issue with mesobotox. But if you’ve had an allergic reaction to Botox in the past, you shouldn’t undergo mesobotox, as you might experience a similar reaction.

Also, you shouldn’t have mesobotox if you’re allergic to lidocaine, a numbing agent.

Mesobotox isn’t recommended for people who have neuromuscular diseases, such as spinal muscular atroph and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). You also shouldn’t get mesobotox if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.

What can you expect during a mesobotox procedure?

The procedure is relatively fast, lasting about 30 minutes.

The process will feel as if you’re getting pricked with a tiny needle. Your doctor will apply topical anesthesia or numbing cream over the treatment area before beginning.

Pre-treatment guidelines for mesobotox

  • Avoid blood thinners for about 3 to 7 days before treatment to prevent bruising. Blood thinners include ibuprofen, aspirin, fish oil, and vitamin E supplements.
  • Don’t use anti-aging products before treatment, such as those containing glycolic acid and retinol.
  • Alcohol is also a blood thinner, so avoid alcoholic beverages 24 hours before treatment.
  • Clean your face as you normally would on treatment day, but don’t apply makeup.

Post-treatment guidelines for mesobotox

One benefit of mesobotox is that there’s no downtime. After the procedure, you can resume most everyday activities.

Here are precautions you should take following the procedure:

  • Remain upright for at least 2 hours after the procedure. Don’t lie down or bend over.
  • Avoid physical activities like exercise for at least 24 hours after treatment.
  • Don’t wear makeup or other facial products for at least 24 hours after treatment.
  • Don’t take ibuprofen, aspirin, vitamin E supplements, or fish oil for at least 24 hours after treatment.
Are there side effects of mesobotox?

Mesobotox is safe, but there’s the risk of a reaction if you’re allergic to the ingredients in the injection.

Signs of an allergic reaction include:

  • swelling
  • hives
  • itchiness

It’s normal to have mild redness after the procedure. Redness is temporary and usually improves within an hour. If you experience continued redness, bruising, or swelling after your treatment, notify your doctor.

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